Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Movie Review - Men In Black III

So, last night, I, with my entire family, went to see a sneak peek of the third Men In Black movie, after ten years since the second one. As a whole, I enjoy the Men In Black (MIB) series and this was no exception. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, MIB is about a secret agency that polices and monitors extraterrestrial activity on the planet Earth, following the exploits of Agents J (Will Smith) and K (Tommy Lee Jones). They have various high-tech weapons, gadgets and vehicles to help with this, most famously their memory-erasing Neuralizer. I'll try to avoid major spoilers as the movie doesn't come out until this Friday, officially.

I saw this in 3-D, so I'll comment on that first. Generally, I find the 3-D in movies either hit or miss, and I put it into two categories: Atmospheric and Flinch-causing. Atmospheric 3-D involves the scenery popping out from the screen and generally is a good touch. Flinch-inducing is when something is thrown or shot at the camera and often times will trigger a physical reaction in the viewer. The worst example I can think of was the Captain America trailer's end where Cap threw his shield. It nearly made me duck to avoid decapitation. In this movie, the 3-D was of the, in my opinion, of the better atmospheric type, which was a good choice on the filmmakers' parts.

The music was, as usual, also very well-done by Danny Elfman for the third time running. There are the cues from the first two movies, naturally, but he also changes it up by adding electric guitar to the main MIB theme for the opening credits scene, plus he as a minor character in the movie play a solo-guitar version later on.

The basic plot of this movie is that an alien serial murderer has escaped from a high-security prison (on the moon, no less) and travels back to the year 1969 to help his younger self kill Agent K. So naturally, this movie follows your standard time travel tropes regarding things that happen when you change the past. As a result, however, Tommy Lee Jones has what's basically an extended cameo as Agent K, because most of the movie is in July of '69. That's not to say the character of K isn't in this, however, as J meets up with his partner's younger self, played by Josh Brolin. Brolin actually plays his role really well, giving us a performance you'd expect from Tommy Lee Jones himself, however he puts his own spin on things as well, making the younger K more open and energetic around J.

If I say anything more, I know that I'll start giving spoilers, so I'll stop now and wrap it up. On the whole, MIB3 was a fun movie, and it felt good to see our friends in the black suits protecting mankind from the scum of the universe again. You may disagree, however, and that's okay. After all, that was just one person's thoughts.

Monday, October 10, 2011


I don't expect many people to read my blog and that's okay. I probably won't be updating it very regularly, just when I feel the need to get my thoughts out somehow about things. As such, there will be no regular 'theme' to this either. It's just my thoughts and opinions that I want to share and responses to.